Sunday, November 20, 2011

write a book...

wonder if i have it in me to write a book... i have thought a couple of times about writing so maybe this summer when i have some free time on my hands i will sit down and try to write. i have started stories before and at the thought of other people reading them just deleted the entire thing. it seems like no matter how fictional i always fear people reading into things... or if it is a non fiction that i decide to go with is it too much for people to grasp? ... so my few followers... what are your thoughts????

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Answered Prayers

I just wanted to sit and write a little bit about the power of prayer.

About a month ago we were finding out that my mom was very sick. Doctors seemed to have no answers and the possible ailments were a bit on the scary side. Possible diagnoses were cancer, leukemia, lupus, TB, an allergic reaction, and I'm sure the list goes on but those are the ones that come to mind.
I could not imagine losing my mom. She has been such a source of strength and love in my life and it was hard for me to think that she could be coming down with some sort of terminal disease.
I would call my mom and she was not her usual, chipper self. In fact she would say things like, "I'm tired hon, I'm going to go lay down. I'll call you later." Now, my mom is the mom that you have to say "Ok! Mom! I really have to go this time!!" She doesn't get off the phone easily so I knew she was depressed and worried about her health as well.
I called the Salt Lake Temple and put her on the prayer list and said my own prayers almost hourly it seemed. I just prayed that a person who does so much good for other people would not be taken form this work by suffering. She had suffered enough in her past and I could not see her suffering in her last days.
Heavenly Father answered my prayers. Turns out the likely culprit for her sickness was a cortisone shot given to her by her family doctor that ended up spreading an inflammation in her knees throughout her body. It took between 6-8 weeks for her to come to a full recovery and finally have normal blood and energy levels.
I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers and I am so thankful that I have the faith to call upon Him in my deepest hours of need.

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Beginning

For the past 3 years I have changed jobs every year - which is quite new for me. I am the kind of person who will stay in a job I hate, simply because I hate interviewing and looking for a new job more than any dissatisfaction on the job could possibly bring... so when I say I have had a different job 3 years in a row... it's a big deal.
After getting my Master's I thought that landing the "Dream Job" would either be impossible or happen very quickly... no middle grounds. I knew this was the career path I was supposed to take and so I guess I figured things would fall into place.
They have.
(Year #1) My Internship year I was able to work at an amazing school under the direction of two really great counselors and gain a lot of very valuable information. Because I was working a full time - half pay internship I decided to keep my Zions Bank job and work in the evenings to make up the difference... as many of you know with the economic crunch Derek was laid off and we had quite the interesting year.
(Year #2) My first year as a counselor I was lucky enough to have a friend of mine recommend me for a job as a full time counselor at an amazing charter school in Draper. Though I loved my experience there I felt like something was missing.
Which brings me to Year # 3! I am moving to a High School in the Jordan School District in Utah and I am so very excited! Even though I hate changing jobs I feel that each move has prepared me for the next chapter in my life.

So - Derek and I have been through a lot. We have both changed jobs more often than we would like, some wanted and needed moves and others not so wanted and needed but necessary to bring us to our current place.

Right now things are going really well for us on the job front. I start work in a couple of days, and Derek is working for a company that allows him to work from home 3 days of the week. For him, that is the best deal possible seeing as he has worse road rage than me! :)
I pray that the good moments in our life continue to happen and that we are able to continue to move forward in our new beginnings.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Been a while...

It's been a while since I've posted. I don't even know if anyone is reading this or checking it but I guess sometimes it's just nice to be able to write some of my thoughts down. Of course, I don't write half of what I'm thinking because well let's face it - no one has that much time! So to address my last post - the school year has been interesting to say the least. I have learned a lot and fear I still don't know everything I should. But - I have to say I am really - REALLY looking forward to the summer break! Derek and I are doing well. Every day I learn something new about "being married". The other day I learned - mind you after 7 years of marriage - that Derek does not like dishes on the disposal side of the sink. I wanted to say - you've felt this way for 7 years and are JUST NOW telling me this?! But - hey - better late than never! Never a boring day :) I know everyone is wondering when Derek and I are going to have kids... and all I can say is... SO ARE WE!! Side Note - My brother comes home from his LDS Mission on Friday! He won't be here in Utah until the 23rd though. We are looking forward to seeing him! I can't believe it's been two years already! Of course - like my dad said looking back things always seem to go fast. Well - I guess I've done my rambeling for another year! I will try to be better at posting. Until then... TahTah!