Monday, August 1, 2011

New Beginning

For the past 3 years I have changed jobs every year - which is quite new for me. I am the kind of person who will stay in a job I hate, simply because I hate interviewing and looking for a new job more than any dissatisfaction on the job could possibly bring... so when I say I have had a different job 3 years in a row... it's a big deal.
After getting my Master's I thought that landing the "Dream Job" would either be impossible or happen very quickly... no middle grounds. I knew this was the career path I was supposed to take and so I guess I figured things would fall into place.
They have.
(Year #1) My Internship year I was able to work at an amazing school under the direction of two really great counselors and gain a lot of very valuable information. Because I was working a full time - half pay internship I decided to keep my Zions Bank job and work in the evenings to make up the difference... as many of you know with the economic crunch Derek was laid off and we had quite the interesting year.
(Year #2) My first year as a counselor I was lucky enough to have a friend of mine recommend me for a job as a full time counselor at an amazing charter school in Draper. Though I loved my experience there I felt like something was missing.
Which brings me to Year # 3! I am moving to a High School in the Jordan School District in Utah and I am so very excited! Even though I hate changing jobs I feel that each move has prepared me for the next chapter in my life.

So - Derek and I have been through a lot. We have both changed jobs more often than we would like, some wanted and needed moves and others not so wanted and needed but necessary to bring us to our current place.

Right now things are going really well for us on the job front. I start work in a couple of days, and Derek is working for a company that allows him to work from home 3 days of the week. For him, that is the best deal possible seeing as he has worse road rage than me! :)
I pray that the good moments in our life continue to happen and that we are able to continue to move forward in our new beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome to hear Holly! What school are you going to be working at? Good luck! :)
