Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Answered Prayers

I just wanted to sit and write a little bit about the power of prayer.

About a month ago we were finding out that my mom was very sick. Doctors seemed to have no answers and the possible ailments were a bit on the scary side. Possible diagnoses were cancer, leukemia, lupus, TB, an allergic reaction, and I'm sure the list goes on but those are the ones that come to mind.
I could not imagine losing my mom. She has been such a source of strength and love in my life and it was hard for me to think that she could be coming down with some sort of terminal disease.
I would call my mom and she was not her usual, chipper self. In fact she would say things like, "I'm tired hon, I'm going to go lay down. I'll call you later." Now, my mom is the mom that you have to say "Ok! Mom! I really have to go this time!!" She doesn't get off the phone easily so I knew she was depressed and worried about her health as well.
I called the Salt Lake Temple and put her on the prayer list and said my own prayers almost hourly it seemed. I just prayed that a person who does so much good for other people would not be taken form this work by suffering. She had suffered enough in her past and I could not see her suffering in her last days.
Heavenly Father answered my prayers. Turns out the likely culprit for her sickness was a cortisone shot given to her by her family doctor that ended up spreading an inflammation in her knees throughout her body. It took between 6-8 weeks for her to come to a full recovery and finally have normal blood and energy levels.
I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers and I am so thankful that I have the faith to call upon Him in my deepest hours of need.

1 comment:

  1. That's great that it's nothing serious. Hopefully she is turning back into her chipper self!
