Monday, April 4, 2011

Been a while...

It's been a while since I've posted. I don't even know if anyone is reading this or checking it but I guess sometimes it's just nice to be able to write some of my thoughts down. Of course, I don't write half of what I'm thinking because well let's face it - no one has that much time! So to address my last post - the school year has been interesting to say the least. I have learned a lot and fear I still don't know everything I should. But - I have to say I am really - REALLY looking forward to the summer break! Derek and I are doing well. Every day I learn something new about "being married". The other day I learned - mind you after 7 years of marriage - that Derek does not like dishes on the disposal side of the sink. I wanted to say - you've felt this way for 7 years and are JUST NOW telling me this?! But - hey - better late than never! Never a boring day :) I know everyone is wondering when Derek and I are going to have kids... and all I can say is... SO ARE WE!! Side Note - My brother comes home from his LDS Mission on Friday! He won't be here in Utah until the 23rd though. We are looking forward to seeing him! I can't believe it's been two years already! Of course - like my dad said looking back things always seem to go fast. Well - I guess I've done my rambeling for another year! I will try to be better at posting. Until then... TahTah!

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