Monday, July 19, 2010

Something New...

Well - I guess it's time for me to add something new to this blog. I am pretty bad about keeping up with this.

So - what's new?

Derek has a job!
I have a job!
Tracie got a job!

Everyone is employed and seems to be doing well. I finally got my spare bedroom/office complete. Well, as complete as it's going to be. Thanks to Mom Jensen coming to stay with us it kicked me in high gear so that was an awesome added bonus! :)

Tomorrow Tracie and I are planning on taking on the bathroom and hopefully doing some paint and finally hanging the mirror Derek and I bought several months back. I'm excited to finally be adding color to the walls and making my house a home!
I feel like there is a lot to do around the house to make it look the way I want it to look and hopefully - after 3 years I'll be able to get it to that point. My main goal is to do the paint on the inside. Then outside hopefully during the summer cool down (not really a fall here - goes from summer to winter then back to summer) I'll be able to add some shutters to the front of the house and then come the winter warm up I'll plant a few things in the yard to give it that "curb appeal".
We'll see. I've wanted to paint for a long time and I'm just now getting to it, so those other things may not happen for a while either, but it's all good. At least now I have summers off and I'll be able to take on projects like that! :)

Speaking of having summers off. I finally quit my job at Zions after more than 8.5 years. I almost had 9 years in. Kind of sad to say goodbye, but I am really enjoying my time off. I feel like I'm getting things done that I should have done years ago. So, for my first "summer off" I'm not really getting the "full effect" but I am getting about 2.5 weeks and Brina, Shalyn, Tracie and I are headed to Vegas for 4 days and 3 nights next week! I can't stand the wait! I hope we have a blast! I plan on just enjoying myself and not doing a whole lot. I just want to RELAX! Maybe sit by the pool ... or in the cool hotel room and read a book or two. I haven't had a chance to sit down and just read a book in a VERY LONG TIME... well at least not one that I CHOSE to read.
So, my new job is waiting around the corner and I'm very excited to be moving on and getting into a career that will hopefully lead me down a very happy and satisfying life journey.

Well, I guess that's all for now.

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