Monday, November 5, 2012


Apparently I haven't posted in quite a while.  Well the big news is we are pregnant!  Due next month! We are having a little boy and naming him Gunner David Wayne Jensen.  It took us quite some time to figure out a name but we are really excited about our choice.  Gunner is a name that both Derek and I agreed upon from a list of what seemed like hundreds of names.  David is Derek's middle name, Wayne is my dad's middle name and we couldn't choose between the two and really liked the way they sound together so... yes he will have two middle names!
So far my doctor visits measure him as a really big baby but I tested negative for gestational diabetes.  So far its been a pretty normal pregnancy. 
Things I've noticed...
1. I have been able to feel movement pretty much in the normal weeks. I guess considering my weight there was some question regarding being able to feel movement... no problem.
2. Derek has been able to feel movement although Gunner seems to settle right when Derek puts his hand on my stomach!
3. I don't think people can tell I'm pregnant unless they know that I'm pregnant.  People don't wanna say "wow you've gained weight" or assume that an overweight person is in fact pregnant so I don't take offense.
4. I have been feeling a lot of pressure since about 20 weeks or so. It's been quite painful and makes it hard to walk or sit or get up on the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.
5. Don't get me started on the bathroom visits! It seems I get up on average 3-5 times a night. And at work I am stuck behind my desk so much that by the time I finally am able to get up I feel like I have to go so badly that my bladder is going to explode.
6. The baby room never seems to be where I am ready to put a baby in it! I finally got it clean and then we had our baby shower and not that I'm complaining about the shower but I just need to put things away and find room for things all over again.  Good problem!
7. Derek has been amazing! He has been rubbing my feet and back and very understanding and supportive of my mood shifts.  I know I haven't been myself and get cranky often...  but he's been amazing!
8. We are still excited and nervous about being parents!  We have 5 weeks left so he'll be here soon!  We can't wait to see him but know life as we know it will never be the same!
.... I'm sure there are many more things I could list but what it comes down to is that we are so excited that our Heavenly Father has given us the opportunity to be parents and share our talents and passion with a choice spirit.  I pray daily that he will be healthy and not have complications.  I know that would be really hard on both of us. I don't want to stress about all the things that could go wrong... I just want him to be happy and healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Gunner's safe arrival! I love his name that is too cute! I hope you are feeling good (well, at least relatively so)!
