Monday, July 19, 2010

Something New...

Well - I guess it's time for me to add something new to this blog. I am pretty bad about keeping up with this.

So - what's new?

Derek has a job!
I have a job!
Tracie got a job!

Everyone is employed and seems to be doing well. I finally got my spare bedroom/office complete. Well, as complete as it's going to be. Thanks to Mom Jensen coming to stay with us it kicked me in high gear so that was an awesome added bonus! :)

Tomorrow Tracie and I are planning on taking on the bathroom and hopefully doing some paint and finally hanging the mirror Derek and I bought several months back. I'm excited to finally be adding color to the walls and making my house a home!
I feel like there is a lot to do around the house to make it look the way I want it to look and hopefully - after 3 years I'll be able to get it to that point. My main goal is to do the paint on the inside. Then outside hopefully during the summer cool down (not really a fall here - goes from summer to winter then back to summer) I'll be able to add some shutters to the front of the house and then come the winter warm up I'll plant a few things in the yard to give it that "curb appeal".
We'll see. I've wanted to paint for a long time and I'm just now getting to it, so those other things may not happen for a while either, but it's all good. At least now I have summers off and I'll be able to take on projects like that! :)

Speaking of having summers off. I finally quit my job at Zions after more than 8.5 years. I almost had 9 years in. Kind of sad to say goodbye, but I am really enjoying my time off. I feel like I'm getting things done that I should have done years ago. So, for my first "summer off" I'm not really getting the "full effect" but I am getting about 2.5 weeks and Brina, Shalyn, Tracie and I are headed to Vegas for 4 days and 3 nights next week! I can't stand the wait! I hope we have a blast! I plan on just enjoying myself and not doing a whole lot. I just want to RELAX! Maybe sit by the pool ... or in the cool hotel room and read a book or two. I haven't had a chance to sit down and just read a book in a VERY LONG TIME... well at least not one that I CHOSE to read.
So, my new job is waiting around the corner and I'm very excited to be moving on and getting into a career that will hopefully lead me down a very happy and satisfying life journey.

Well, I guess that's all for now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tracie and I finally graduated with our MASTERS! We are now School Counselors! How awesome! Of course the fun part now is finding jobs, but we are confident everything will work out. Our graduation was on May 1st at the "E" Center in West Valley City Utah. We are SO glad to be done and are now thinking ahead to what's next. Tracie has talked about doing more schooling to be certified as a school psychologist and I am thinking ... well as soon as Derek gets a job... that we are ready to FINALLY add to our family. BUT - FAMILY... We have a lot of "kinks" to iron out so don't get too excited! Anyway! Here are some pictures that I thought you might like to see of our graduation.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Though I am excited to be moving on with my career and I will likely stay with the bank as long as they will allow, I will definitely miss the views...

Here are some pictures taken from my office.

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Job

I was offered a job for next school year! I will be the middle school counselor for Summit Academy in Draper Utah. I'm very excited! Now we just have to work on getting Derek a job!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Willow came to work with me today. I took her around to a couple of classrooms for her to play with students. She's finally resting. I'll post a picture later. i need to take more pictures...


Willow came to work with me today. I took her around to a couple of classrooms for her to play with students. She's finally resting. I'll post a picture later. i need to take more pictures...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Droid Post

i am posting with my new Droid. I have to admit it is nice being able to do just about everything on my phone... well everything but TALK! That has to be my biggest complaint so far. Phone calls are hard to hear and/or get dropped. I'd say more than half of my calls are dropped and short of powering the phone down it's nearly impossible to get the phone back to working order...because of course then it freezes your screen.
So i guess as long as you're not trying to actually use your phone as a phone they're grrrrrrrrrreat!
In other news....
I graduate on May 1st! I am thinking of having a little family get together for those that can make it seeing as Derek's is the 2nd. So if you can make it we'd love to have you!
On that note... school is going well. I really enjoy working at the Middle School. I have a lot of students that I will miss when I'm gone... and some... not so much. But overall I am still really enjoying the experience and looking forward to full time work.
We are still actively looking for a job for Derek. The shortage in job openings with the economy is really hurting our little family. We are still holding onto the faith that something better is on the horizon. Please keep us in your prayers.

How are you supposed to end a blog post???
Love, ?
Peace Out ?
Later Hommies ?
Over and Out ?
T4 ?